Production Electrician
Creative Team
Director: Ron Himes
Light Designer: Jordan Taylor Thomas
Scenic Designer: Jeff Stander
Costume Designer: Kendra Johnson
Sound Designer: Emily Callahan
Production Photos

Assistant Production Electrician & Programmer
Opera Saratoga
The images below illustrate the setup and operational adjustments made by the electrics department for the summer season.
The initial three pictures depict our dimmer room, which was configured with a combination of house and rented equipment. The subsequent two photos showcase the fixed box booms and the dead-hung grid from which we suspended various lighting units. Additionally, we utilized a double-purchase fly system, deploying three line sets for our electrics needs.

Director: Chuck Hudson
Conductor: Craig Kier
Scenic Designer: Martin T. Lopez
Costume Designer: CeCe Sickler
Light Designer: Brandon Stirling Baker
Wig and Makeup Designer: Sondra Nottingham
Assistant Conductor: Joshua Horsch
Assistant Director: David Radames Toro
Stage Manager: Laura R. Krause
Assistant Stage Manager: Carmen Alfaro
Zemire Et Azor
Director: James Ortiz
Conductor: Lidiya Yankovskaya
Choreographer: Jill Echo
Scenic/ Puppet Designer: James Ortiz
Associate Puppet Designer/ Engineer: Jessica Scott
Lead Puppet Builder: Lisa Schelnker
Costume Designer: Shima Orans
Light Designer: Brandon Stirling Baker
Wig and Makeup Designer: Sondra Nottingham
Assistant Conductor: Steven Seigart
Assistant Director: Emily Cuk
Stage Manager: Amy Soll
Assistant Stage Manager: Anthony Poston
The Cradle Will Rock
Director/ Choreographer: Lawrence Edelson
Conductor: John Mauceri
Scenic Designer: Martin T. Lopez
Costume Designer: Anya Klepikov
Associate Costume Designer: Jess Gersz
Light Designer: Brandon Stirling Baker
Wig and Makeup Designer: Sondra Nottingham
Assistant Conductor: Joshua Horsch
Assistant Director: David Radames Toro
Stage Manager: Kristen Barret
Assistant Stage Manager: Robert Klien
Production Electrician
Fuddy Meers
Creative Team
Director: Dustin Mosko
Scenic Designer: Lisa TenHulzen
Light Designer: Sheric Hull
Costume Designer: Rebecca Armstrong
Sound Designer: Araceli Ramirez
Fuddy Meers presented several complex challenges for the production team. The show required specialized lighting setups, including custom-designed strands capable of marquee chases and a row of footlights. Each strand needed to be tailored with varying lamp spacing based on its specific location on the set.
Jaime was responsible for determining the precise quantities of cable, bases, and lamps needed for each custom strand. After gathering all necessary measurements, she proceeded to obtain quotes for the required materials. Once the materials were sourced, Jaime meticulously built each custom strand and then mounted them to the set.

Pictured to the left is an example of one of the eight strands of lights created for the show.

Pictured to the right is an example of the foot lights during the show. Jaime had to work closely with the Scenic Designer and the TD to install these lights into the set once it was loaded into the space. She also had to work with the properties master to make sure that the bases and lamps could fit and be covered with the shells seen in the photo below. Much earlier in the process she had to figure out what lamps and bases where going to be used and how much zip-cord I was going to need to run them.
Production Photos